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Concentric Anti-epidemic Yuanfeng Energy Conservation Condolences the Frontline Public Security Officers of Anti-epidemic Prevention

Concentric Anti-epidemic Yuanfeng Energy Conservation Condolences the Frontline Public Security Officers of Anti-epidemic Prevention

  • Categories:Company News
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  • Time of issue:2020-02-11
  • Views:0

(Summary description)Since the start of the new coronavirus pneumonia outbreak, the Liaocheng Public Security Police have gone retrograde. For the health and safety of the people of the city, they have been fighting day and night against the epidemic.

Concentric Anti-epidemic Yuanfeng Energy Conservation Condolences the Frontline Public Security Officers of Anti-epidemic Prevention

(Summary description)Since the start of the new coronavirus pneumonia outbreak, the Liaocheng Public Security Police have gone retrograde. For the health and safety of the people of the city, they have been fighting day and night against the epidemic.

  • Categories:Company News
  • Author:
  • Origin:
  • Time of issue:2020-02-11
  • Views:0

Since the start of the new coronavirus pneumonia outbreak, the Liaocheng Public Security Police have gone retrograde. For the health and safety of the people of the city, they have been fighting day and night against the epidemic.

"The frontline police officers and comrades have worked hard. With you in front, our people will feel at ease." On the morning of February 11, Zhao Xijun, chairman of Shandong Yuanfeng Energy Saving Equipment Technology Co., Ltd., and Zhao Guangming, executive vice president, and a group of 5 representatives The company went to the Development Division of Liaocheng Public Security Bureau and the Second Brigade of the Traffic Patrol Police Detachment of Liaocheng Public Security Bureau to donate 100 boxes of instant noodles, 20 boxes of ham sausages and 4000 pairs of medical protective gloves to the public security officers who have been fighting on the front line of epidemic prevention and control. Supplies, thank them for their hard work day and night in preventing the spread of the epidemic.


"Since the outbreak of pneumonia caused by a new coronavirus, the prevention and control of the outbreak has been affecting the hearts of all employees of Yuanfeng Energy Saving. As a steel warehouse enterprise in Liaocheng, we are willing to do our best to contribute to the fight against the epidemic. "; We can't go to the front line, but we will never drop the line!" Yuanfeng energy-saving steel warehouse enterprise representatives told reporters in the interview.

Liu Xisheng and Liu Xia, political commissars of the Development Division of the Liaocheng Public Security Bureau, Ma Changhua, the leader of the second patrol of the Liaocheng Public Security Bureau, and Chang Jun, deputy leader Song Jun thank Yuanfeng Energy Saving for their donations, and their frontline police officers against epidemic prevention and control The understanding and support of the work, and expressed that he will do his due diligence, live up to expectations, and firmly adhere to the first line of defense for epidemic prevention and control.


Zhao Xijun, Chairman of Yuanfeng Energy Saving, as a veteran entrepreneur, as the company grew in the steel warehouse industry, Zhao Xijun took off his military uniforms and dedicated to public welfare, actively fulfilling corporate social responsibilities, "trees will not grow soon, water will not last long. At present, many people are fighting on the front line in order to control the epidemic. Our company assumes social responsibility, and it is also incumbent to contribute to fighting the epidemic," Zhao Xijun said.

In the face of the epidemic, no one of us can stay out of it. In order to effectively prevent and control the new coronary pneumonia epidemic, Shandong Yuanfeng Energy Saving Equipment Technology Co., Ltd. strictly requires all employees to report their health status in strict accordance with the "Daily Health Punch", and do not "Going out", "industry disinfection", "wearing a mask", "no mess", "no fluke", "no rumors", "no rumors", "unbelief rumors", during home office, pay close attention to the epidemic situation, fully understand the relevant knowledge, and take protective measures Everyone actively participates in the prevention and control of the epidemic and adds strength to the fight against the epidemic, and we will definitely be able to win the fight against the epidemic.

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